Friday, May 22, 2009

currently playing

I am currently playing resident evil 4 but i kept dying at the same place as the girl i have to rescue keep getting herself killed by the people with the freaking virus so basically i have to try to get to her as fast as possible before she get impaled by the people's tails which her death was so epic i watched it like 5 times and still found it cool.... Anyways i am currently stuck on that freaking stage kept trying to go and save that ashley... Aiyo why the president daughter so noob one keep getting herself impaled before i can reach her... Might as well go and jump down the cliff [BTW its the game president not Obama's]

Friday, May 15, 2009


Recently there's this bastard who keeps posting vulgarities on the my CCA blog using my name, trying to frame me. What the hell..... Why in the world would i want to post vulgarities in the CCA blog? I would get kick out of the team!!!!!!! Anyways I wanna try something like terence , Lets vote the most well liked and least well like girl and boy in the class. Pls post it in comments instead of chatbox

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Currently downloading resident evil 4 from the net and its like woah 3gb plus siah....... And then wah lao drama exam coming plus bio/geog presentation oso kns i cannot tahan sieh..... Anyways try nfiguring out the code above...... Relax people........

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Resident evil 5

Sis allowed me to use her com today cos she too busy playing patapon on psp.... I watching resident evil 5 walkthrough on the youtube the time i get to use the com..... ANYONE WANT TRY RESIDENT EVIL 2 I LENT THEM THE DISC!!!!! JUST ASK ME!!!! CANNOT REQUEST IT TO BE BURNED UNLESS YOU GO BUY DISC FROM SCHOOL BOOKSHOP!!!!!!!! THOSE WANT TRY HITMAN ONE OSO CAN JUST AS LONG U ASK CAN LE..... currently watching resident evil, playing hitman,patapon,loco roco, resident evil 2 and reading mangas mahou sensei negima, and watching animes hell girl and full metal alchemist again too bad cannot play Audi siehhhhh.....

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Got to use the computer today by begging my sister for 2 hours.....Ever since i saw Ian playing hitman, I went back into my hitman craze and started playing hitman all over again... All the murdering and using all the silverballer bullshit all came back... Currently i kept watching the camp lazlo on okto every weekdays.... plus the x-men show.... Too bad ben 10 alien force didn't have a season 2...... Wah imagne the ben go the space start destorying all the badies alien wah that one is shiok ah.... I wanna play Audi but cannot and if i can play no one play Audi night one sieh..... Currently i am watching and playing resident evil from 1 to 3 plus the code veronica X one i also playing... KNS, every time until boss then i die.... P.S..... IF YOU HAVE NEWSPAPER [excluding thursday and friday] CAN GIVE ME THE GARFIELD,BABY BLUES,INSNAITY STREAK and STONE SOUP TO ME!!!!!!!!!! currently watching hitgod's videos on youtube............................ I have this pic on my phone

Saturday, March 21, 2009

What games would you like to play?

Basically for me i like to play dead rising and resident evil 5.4 kinda fun but 5 looks freaking awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Chili con carnage+ Rasident Evil 5 = Total killing

This holiday i have been playing this super cool psp game called chili con carnage. Found out about this game from my friend during class bbq night. I have also been watching random people playing resident evil 5 at a game store at IMM and other malls. I have also been re-watching the AVGN series which is on youtube and playing random games from newgrounds. I say go download chili con carnage if you can to try it and you will go both dizzy from extreme 3-D and sick from the blood.